Tuesday, May 31, 2011


One day, I came home with my beloved and quickly changed into my fuzzy slippers. The man laughed so hard I thought he might break. I didn't know quite how to react. Apparently, he got a huge kick out of my silly behavior while in private. So, the next time he was over I presented him with his own pair of ridiculous fuzzy slippers to delight in. You see, sharing is everything to me. I love to be comfortable, relax and enjoy the simple things in life. Having someone to be silly with in fuzzy slippers is immensely pleasurable to me.

Laughter is one of the most wonderful experiences to share. To laugh at one's self, a movie, jokes or any shared experience is huge. It is fun! Fun is an extremely important ingredient to living a healthy and happy existence. According to Buddhism, levity can save you from the vicious cycle of confusion. It is a lot like the seven deadly sins in Judeo-Christian tradition. Only instead of strict rules of conduct, a good sense of humor can be your salvation.

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