Saturday, March 31, 2012

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Really Matters

What really matters is to live loving your life. Find your passion and never lose sight of it. My parents used to tell me it is better to be a good shoemaker than a bad doctor. The world needs a good pair of shoes and a bad doctor can kill you.

Do you know what your passion is? Do some writing about it. Automatic writing is like liquid draino for the brain. Just take a few sheets of paper and start listing or describing what really turns you on intellectually, spiritually and emotionally...then the real trick is to find out how to monetize on it. Many people do though so why not you?

If you need to learn more about automatic writing, I recommend Julia Cameron's books, also learn from successful and admirable people like Sir Richard Branson's video below:

For me, I love nurturing people and creativity. Being a coach is a natural for me. I also have a great mind for business ideas and approaches. It comes from being a passionate consumer and people person. I love learning and sharing ideas and concepts. At the same time, I'm a little off center, so working for myself suits me very well.

Please continue these exercises and contact me if you need further guidance. Your attitude and outlook will be much improved after 12 weeks.