Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Being What You Say You Are....

In life we all wear masks. Women wear makeup; men wear facial hair. Our clothes are like suits of armor. Representing who we are in the world; and yet, where does authenticity reside? Is our real self when we wake up in the morning? Right after we’ve showered? Or when we get ready for bed? Who is the real person underneath the image of our career, appearance or story we tell? When does the façade become hypocrisy? Or are we truly the occupation or level of wealth we display? What is our truer self?

For me, I separate who I am professionally from who I am. My identity…


Infamously Anonymous said...

My mask never leaves me. It is a mask of hate and anger. I hide behind it, and peer out, as if looking through a telescope. It is like a two way mirror, I can see you and what you are, but you cannot see me, or fathom what lurks underneath. It keeps me safe, safe from ridicule, safe from fears, safe from having to show any emotion I decide is a weakness. This mask strengthens me, and is every changing. It is my only friend, it is my only love. Together, we can accomplish anything.

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts! I've never been one to be able to separate my various "identities" - especially online. Who I am here is who I am... I don't have personal attention span nor the the memory capacity to keep them separate for very long.

southbeachannie said...

What I mean is that my occupation is not who I am. It probably stems from the many different jobs I've had since I was very young. I think it's strange when people think their job is who they are. Who I am is who you had a chocolate shake with at 1AM in the morning at Vegas. It is the woman who ponders and strives to become a better person.