Who I allow into my life is of the utmost importance to me. There are so very few things we really have control over. What, who and why you have in your life should be a conscious choice made with the best possible intent. As open as I am to experience, I don’t want to have unnecessary bad ones or more than my share of heartache.
Now if you know me well, you might be amazed at how conservative my attitude is. Sometimes I’m shocked at it as well. I open my heart much more readily than I open my life to people. Not everyone gets in. It is very personal and private. I like it that way.
In business, I only work with people I like and trust. Believe me, I’ve paid the price. I’ve lost opportunities, jobs and professional growth due to my views and opinions. I don’t and won’t play games or take cheap shots. There is something to be said for having standards and making a living with some dignity. Material wealth can never make up for a good night’s sleep.
Now, I have been a professional networker and business matchmaker in my past. Bringing people of similar minds and complimentary talents is hugely gratifying for me. You would never think I’m terribly shy. I am. Crowds tend to scare me and it takes every bit of courage in my being to talk to strangers. Somehow I’ve made a living out of talking to strangers and telling them what to do. How odd is that?
Once relationships are built there are no strangers. Connecting to that other being’s mind, thought or action makes everything familiar and safe. We all long for that connection so we don’t feel so isolated and alone. We build relationships so we can be stronger as individuals and help each other achieve greater heights impossible to reach alone.
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