On the other hand, it is wonderful to be free! I do what I want, when I want with whomever I want. It feels pretty damn good! I chose this too. When I was growing up and saw the life many of my peers had ahead of them, I ran. I flew down to Miami the day after I graduated from high school to avoid the marriage and children thing. Then the bohemian life set in and I haven't left it since. It has been a great ride! Sometimes my life has been irresponsible, sometimes lonely, but mostly adventurous and mainly happy. I am at peace with my decisions.
It is probably more of a burden on those around me who don't really understand why I won't show up when I don't feel like company. Sometimes I choose to spend weekends in solitude or vacation alone. Holidays are usually a nuisance for me and I prefer to hang with old friends than relatives most of the time. I pursue my projects and interests completely absorbed and unaware of how time passes. It makes me forgetful and sometimes unaware of other obligations.
I forgot to grow up. Many times I've stormed out of jobs, relationships and situations without looking back with the maturity level of a three year old. "I'm done!" I'd think and walk away without really knowing what the outcome would be and then of course the repercussions would come later.

Now is that freedom? Well, if you think of how some women live in oppressive societies then yes. Even some orthodox groups in our own country keep women from experiencing the joys of traveling or going out on adventures as I have. Women don't always get to truly discover who they are without being identified with a spouse, her parents or children.
I always think of the Billie Holiday song "Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do!" and "if I get the notion to jump into the ocean, ain't no body's business if I do..." I believe it is a true anthem of freedom.
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