“If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution.” Emma Goldman
As serious as we take ourselves or our causes, there is always a need for levity. The outcome of whatever you might do is better if a sense of fun and joy is in the mix. Emma Goldman dedicated her life to her causes and making important changes for society. Yet, she always had time for love, friends and having a good time. Much of this is reflected in her letters to her friends and lovers. She is as playful as she is passionate with the people in her life. I think that is what has always made her so compelling to me as both a person and a woman. She lived according to her ideals and still had a good time.
In reference to the revolution, I think people can be so adamant about a cause of movement they lose sight of their own humanity. We all need balance in our lives. Not every movement we make has meaning; not every gesture has significance; sometimes we just need to be.
When discussing life with friends, we have similar philosophies in life and see things from a similar perspective. Despite our ages, we agree on needing peace at this stage in our lives, limited drama and the ability to enjoy being ourselves without constant nagging. The perfect friendship or relationships are based on mutual support, enjoying each other as well as our own space and sharing ideas openly.
It sadness me that during this last women's history month, I had asked many women to be featured on my online magazine as outstanding women in my community. Not one of them responded or accepted this invitation. One of my best male friends says it is because I historically haven't good relationships with women. I have trouble accepting this, but many incidents prove it to be true.
Alas, my online magazine is no more!
Regardless of the reason or circumstance, I send out my good will to ALL my sisters!