Thursday, June 23, 2011

Maintaining Inner Peace

How do you maintain your inner peace? Do you pray, do yoga, run, or talk to a friend? What creates the balance in your life?

Stress is one of the leading killers in our society. It is linked to cancer, heart disease and obesity. A stressed person is very unlikely to close a deal, sell wares or attract positive people and situations. Stress also ages people prematurely causing wrinkles and gray hair.

So what can you do about stress?

***Read for pleasure
***Do exercise
***Get fresh air
***Have a bubble bath
***Draw, take pictures or do some other creative activity
***Take a scenic drive somewhere or even to work

Try incorporating at least one of these activities this week. If possible try to have one of these activities at least every other day. The goal should be to have a stress reducing activity at least once a day. If you are too hectic, work on achieving three a week. The immediate outcome is that you will feel better. The long-term outcome is that you will live longer.

Invest in yourself and your inner peace.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


You see things as you see them, because you can’t see them any other way. It is a very difficult and hurtful position at times. Everyone is an island. We all process information with our own brains, not anyone else’s. Attempts to see anything from another person’s perspective is probably impossible. And yet, we should never give up trying to be compassionate.

I really love what Amanda Gore has to say. She understands how we are all stuck in our own heads and tries to help people unglue themselves from their own mental shackles. Now, I am definitely a “Tadaist” and happy to be one.

Years ago, I used to walk into my manager’s office and sang the Mighty Mouse song, “Here I come to save the day!!” She would look at me as if I were out of my mind and wish me a “good morning and please go away!!” This was a theme in my life I sadly noticed repeating itself way too often.

Regardless, my happy go lucky attitude has worked for me. It doesn’t save me from bitter, emotional vampires though. I’ve been told once too often that I’m “too nice” or “too good” to undeserving people. How could I be different? These comments really send out red flags for me.

It really seems insane.

If we aren’t gentle, kind and fun-loving people with each other…what’s the alternative? I’m quite fine with whatever disappointments life brings my way. I’m going to be nice to you anyway. However, if I perceive you are undeserving, then you will be shut out. It works and I don’t have to be something I’m not.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Follow Your Heart

A couple of years ago, after another excruciating day of two weeks as juror in a Federal case, I decided to escape the Miami heat and reality for a couple of hours to view Julie & Julia. It was absolutely delightful and if you haven't already, you must all see it immediately!! I ate popcorn drenched in butter and delighted in how writing, blogging and food all melded into a wonderful tale. The most poignant detail of the film was about the depth of friendship that exists in a true marriage. How challenges, triumphs and the constant support mates offer each other defines who we ultimately are. In both tales, the featured heroines had great men behind them nudging them on and enjoying their accomplishments.

The underlying element that should move and compel all of you is to follow your passion in life. Writing, eating, cooking or competing to be the best do whatever it takes. Find what that fire in your belly is and get on with it!! The message is clear, honest and truthful showing how it really isn’t that easy. There is a lot of heartbreak in the process. Then the rewards are plentiful…

So what is my point tonight? Follow your heart! “Do you,” as Russell Simmons says. See this movie and take some courage pills before you run out of time. Don’t let the opportunity to shine pass you by.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Everything around us influences how we think and react. The colors on your walls, furniture, the daily weather, how you fit in your jeans, your friends, your lovers, the way people walk and drive around you, the interactions at the drive thru window, the balance on your bank account, how your hair name it. The moment you believe an event or person in your life isn't influencing you, you are lost. It all matters, every bit of it. Accordingly, everything you do matters and influences the world around you. There is no escape.

As you are reading this, I am affecting your psyche. You may agree, connect or completely turn off with my words and ideas. Like it or not, you will never be the same. I have just ingrained my thoughts and words into your brain. We are now connected.

If you really digest this, then I plead to you to be gentle. Be aware of your thoughts, actions and reactions. We are all a part of each other and have a huge impact on the world. The challenge is to be the person you admire and share it with the world for all to enjoy.

Let's elevate each other!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Living in the Now

Eckhart Tolle is one of my favorite authors. I highly recommend his book The Power of Now, because it teaches the reader how to be completely present and in the moment.

Yesterday, I was visiting friends and enjoying the company of a four-year old boy. The boy and I were sharing scary stories about monsters and superheroes. One of my friends commented on how completely attuned I was with the child and his stories. I wondered, how could I not be? I was enthralled by my young storyteller and very much interested on how his mind created a beginning, middle and end. Lately, I've been in the habit of silencing my cell phone. It is quite annoying for many whom are trying to contact me. However, I have found that I enjoy giving 100% attention to certain people or tasks at hand. I've lost the need to constantly be available to everyone. It is retro I guess and reflective of the era of my life without cell phones before 1995. Wouldn't it be grand if people really started to listen and pay attention to each other? Cell phones, televisions, computers and newspapers can be weapons of mass distraction. We often hide behind them and ignore what is in front of us. I feel the best way to enjoy today is to banish these distractions for a while and just listen; even if there is nothing in particular to listen to. Remember the old signs in libraries that said, "silence is golden?" I think it might be used in movie theaters now. Well, sometimes the sound of your own breathing can be a miraculous sound to hear. Try spending 10 minutes in silence and just hear the ambient noise or your own heart beating. You will feel your own presence and life force. You will appreciate a moment within yourself and in your own company. Perhaps you will learn the power of living in the now. And then, you might just figure out what you want to do next.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

“If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution.” Emma Goldman

“If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution.” Emma Goldman

As serious as we take ourselves or our causes, there is always a need for levity. The outcome of whatever you might do is better if a sense of fun and joy is in the mix. Emma Goldman dedicated her life to her causes and making important changes for society. Yet, she always had time for love, friends and having a good time. Much of this is reflected in her letters to her friends and lovers. She is as playful as she is passionate with the people in her life. I think that is what has always made her so compelling to me as both a person and a woman. She lived according to her ideals and still had a good time.

In reference to the revolution, I think people can be so adamant about a cause of movement they lose sight of their own humanity. We all need balance in our lives. Not every movement we make has meaning; not every gesture has significance; sometimes we just need to be.

When discussing life with friends, we have similar philosophies in life and see things from a similar perspective. Despite our ages, we agree on needing peace at this stage in our lives, limited drama and the ability to enjoy being ourselves without constant nagging. The perfect friendship or relationships are based on mutual support, enjoying each other as well as our own space and sharing ideas openly.

It sadness me that during this last women's history month, I had asked many women to be featured on my online magazine as outstanding women in my community. Not one of them responded or accepted this invitation. One of my best male friends says it is because I historically haven't good relationships with women. I have trouble accepting this, but many incidents prove it to be true.

Alas, my online magazine is no more!

Regardless of the reason or circumstance, I send out my good will to ALL my sisters!