Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On Growing Up…Does Anyone?

Have you ever visited your parents or some other older aunt or uncle who immediately treats you like you are still 10 years old? Do you then behave accordingly? I think we all do to some extent. The reason being, we never really grow up!

Take my dad for example, he is 82 years old and still plays cowboys and Indians. At a local casino, he approached a Native American dressed in Chief regalia and asked, “Are you Sitting Bull?” The man just looked at him in astonishment. My dad answered, “I am Caballo Loco! Let’s talk awhile…” He sat and talked to this man about sundry things and just made a friend with the freshness and innocence of an eight year old. Why not?

Aren’t we all children? I just started working in an office surrounded by men who had become accustomed to being surrounded by only men. I noticed their discomfort at feeling my femininity around them. So, I bought them all candy and said, “This is for my boys!” Now they look at me with wide smiles knowing I will nurture and accept them.

It is very simple, we don’t grow up! We want candy, we want to play and we want to be accepted by new friends. Use it to your advantage and play more. Laugh easily! Love with an open heart! Enjoy being a cowboy or Indian with innocence! Life is too short to be so serious…it might kill you!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Get Inspired and Help Fight Breast Cancer

Click on this link and enjoy some beautiful art with inspirational quotes, buy something and support the fight against the deadly disease of breast cancer:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Being What You Say You Are....

In life we all wear masks. Women wear makeup; men wear facial hair. Our clothes are like suits of armor. Representing who we are in the world; and yet, where does authenticity reside? Is our real self when we wake up in the morning? Right after we’ve showered? Or when we get ready for bed? Who is the real person underneath the image of our career, appearance or story we tell? When does the façade become hypocrisy? Or are we truly the occupation or level of wealth we display? What is our truer self?

For me, I separate who I am professionally from who I am. My identity…

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Promises made at #ASW09

The funny thing about conferences is that sometimes you make the connections; set up an agenda and fail to follow through…We’ve all been guilty of it at one point or another. I think that is what the conference bags end up being, a collection of cards, brochures and promises we end up sticking in a closet and dispose of in following months.

This Affiliate Summit, I had some of the most intense and interesting conversations of my professional life. The topics were of integrity, best practices, dealing with stress, mentoring with a conscious, cross promoting and general support of each other with common goals. I want to name each person I spoke with and make this a long love letter, but it would be endless. You know who you are…I love you!!

My huge highlight of this conference was having my website critiqued by some of our industry’s finest young minds. (Scott Polk, Eric Lander, Carolyn Shelby and David Snyder) What a thrill!! When I thanked them profusely, they kept on suggesting more things to me. Their generosity was a lesson within itself. It was a humbling experience I am very grateful for. I am looking forward to making all the changes they suggested.

The mentoring program was also a wonderful experience thanks to Jen Goode. (Yes, having a young and handsome mentee was nice. I’ve heard it!) Having a talented, profound and interesting person I could introduce to the affiliate industry was very rewarding. It was my chance to give back the generosity and nurturing my mentor (Andy Rodriguez) had given me years ago. I hope what I shared will impact Peter Doyle as much as sharing impacted me.

My hope is that I can live up to my promises and truly practice what I preach. This is a fascinating time to be alive and when how we live matters more than ever. After so many abuses in our society, economy and policies have been committed; values are paramount. This is the perfect time for real talent and proven strategies to take form and lead the path for others.

Thank you Missy Ward and Shawn Collins for providing such an amazing ride!!